The Clock Determines the Play

Whether you play or watch sports, you know from experience and observation that the clock determines the play. Take football as an example. In the opening quarters, when there is plenty of time on the clock, you won't ever see a “hail marry pass.” Instead, you see normal running and regular passing plays. However, when the games on the line, and only three seconds remain on the clock, all of a sudden the play changes. Teams start throwing way down the field, hoping for a last-minute touchdown. That's all because the clock determines the play.

In 1 Peter 4:7, Peter writes, “The end of all things is near.” Said another way, “time is running out” or, “Jesus is coming back soon.” Friends, if we truly believe that we are living in the “end times” or in the “last days of earth’s history,” we should let the clock determine how we live our lives. Instead of living our lives primarily for ourselves, Peter encourages us to live our lives dedicated to prayer and by being devoted to others by loving and serving them.

Is Jesus coming back soon? Yes. Thus, may we let the clock determine our lives.

Pastor Evan Davies

Speaking of the Second Coming

I’ll never forget when the Second Coming of Jesus captured my mind for the first time.  I was a freshman in Academy.  Our dorm worships, Bible classes, chapel programs, and church worship services, all at various times spoke of Jesus’ soon return.  It was on my mind so much that I began to have dreams about it.  Within a timeframe of 1-2 weeks, I had three dreams to be exact.


In the first dream I was at the beach with my brother at night when suddenly the sky cracked open.  A thunderous lightning bolt split the entire night sky in two.  I grabbed my brother and said, “Jesus is coming back!”  In the second dream, golden angels were reading from a golden list the names of those who could board a golden train to the heavenly kingdom.  In the last dream we were in a van driving through a vast desert expecting Jesus to appear at any moment.


I’m so grateful for the wonderful school faculty and staff who spoke to me regularly about Jesus’ coming.  It opened magnificent pathways in my mind that pointed me closer to the beautiful realities of Heaven.  As a result, I soon afterwards asked Jesus into my heart and received His awesome promise of salvation for me.


Why don’t I speak more often about Jesus’ return so that others might have the same thing happen for them?  Father in Heaven, bless me with boldness to speak more about Your coming kingdom so that I might help others catch the vision for themselves.

Pastor Michael Brackett

Look Ahead!

I'll never forget that cold morning my freshman year in Academy.  Our science teacher invited us to wake up before dawn and come down to the administration building parking lot to gaze at the stars with his high-powered telescope.  I had never looked at space through such a fine star-gazing instrument.  What I saw exceeded my expectations!  I was especially shocked I could see Saturn's rings!  Seeing such a sight as that with my own eyes was worth waking up early and braving the cold.  I've always looked up to the heavens and admired what I could see, I just never imagined I could see something that amazing.

This past Sabbath we celebrated Jesus' resurrection in our worship service, studying Mark 16:1-7.  The angel meets Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome at the tomb to give them some fantastic news!  Verses 5-7 says, "As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.  ‘Don’t be alarmed,’ he said.  ‘You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified.  He has risen!  He is not here.  See the place where they laid him.  But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee.  There you will see him, just as he told you.’”

The women knew Jesus was a wonderful teacher, amazing leader, gifted healer, miracle worker, and maybe even the Son of God; but they weren't expecting Him to conquer His own death!  They weren't expecting the tomb to be empty!  They had spices and other materials to prepare Jesus' body for burial, but Jesus surprises them by being alive and already a step ahead of them!

Whatever difficulties, sadness, frustrations or fear you might be experiencing, please take this message to heart today:  Jesus is already a step ahead of all those issues you're facing.  He is the God of wonderful surprises who is planning endless joy for everyone willing to trust in Him.  Look ahead to Jesus.  He is prepared to exceed your greatest expectations.

Pastor Michael Brackett


We've heard of multitasking.  Thanks to pop culture we have now heard of the multiverse.  Maybe it's time to start considering the concept of multiserving.

How good are you at multitasking?  I guess I do ok with it.  Sometimes I think when I'm really stretched trying to multitask, though I may increase the quantity of my work within a period of time, the quality of my work often suffers as a result.  When I look at the life and ministry of my Savior, Jesus Christ, I'm in awe at His ability to multitask without compromising the quality of the work He was performing.  What kind of work was Jesus engaged in constantly?  He said Himself in Matthew 20:28, "The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many."  Jesus came to serve, and He did it continuously and He did it amazingly well.  

Jesus knew how to multiserve.  For instance in Mark 5:21-43 we find the story of Jesus traveling to heal Jairus' daughter who was sick to the point of death.  On the way, the crowd was pressing all around Jesus, making traveling extra difficult.  Jesus didn't complain, but found another opportunity to serve in the midst of the chaos.  He already had a task to complete, but stopped to multi-task.   A woman touched His garment who herself needed healing from an ongoing issue of blood she had been experiencing.  Jesus could have ignored her and kept going, but Jesus took a moment to stop, find her in the crowd, and affirm her faith.  Jesus loved to multi-serve!  

Scholars call this a "Markan Sandwich."  A few times in the Gospel of Mark, there is a story that gets interrupted by a second story before finally concluding with the first story.  It's a literary method Mark used to reinforce the point of the original story.  In this case, the woman's faith in Jesus liberated her from her bondage of her ailment, helping reinforce the importance of faith to Jairus and all who would one day read this in Mark's Gospel!  As soon as Jesus heals this woman with the issue of blood, friends come with the news that Jairus' daughter had already died.  Jesus asks them to not be afraid, but only believe.  He continues the journey and resurrects the little girl back to life!

I want to multi-serve like Jesus.  I'm feeling impressed more and more I shouldn't be afraid to try.  Can we be liberated from the bondage of our ailments - the sin that causes us to give up far too quickly trying to live more and more like Jesus?  Can our faith increase all the more in Jesus' ability to work in our lives so we can always be on the lookout - ready to serve, ready to help, ready to give more of our lives to help win hearts for His kingdom?

Everyone in this story from Mark 5:21-43 came away amazed with Jesus' willingness and ability to serve them.  Though we may feel far too pressed and frustrated with the chaos and crowds around us, could we look to Jesus to help us multiserve more like Him?  I have a feeling if we have faith in Him, we too will be amazed in what He is willing to do through us - both in quantity and quality.

Pastor Michael Brackett

Suffering While Serving

Public Service Authorities have their hands full serving their citizens.  They provide electric, water, sewer, trash removal, etc. to thousands upon thousands.  Everyone is in need and the need never stops.  Everyone has an opinion on how things should operate, and if anything goes wrong, many people are inclined to offer a piece of their mind to these "authorities."  Maybe I should be a little more patient the next time I call them to question an electric bill!  

Jesus is our ultimate Public Service Authority.  He not only serves the good people of Clark County, but all the people of planet earth.  Some are inclined to put their faith and trust in Him.  Others have no confidence in Him whatsoever.  Regardless, He is consistent for everyone - waiting, watching, helping and caring non-stop.  He offers everyone peace of mind.  

I want to be a public servant like Jesus.  I want to be better and better at serving the people of this world consistently and kindly.  Like Jesus, I want to be able to give grace to all whether they trust in me 1000% or none at all.  I resonate with what Paul said in Colossians 1:24-26, "Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.  I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness—the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people."  

God's Word is so redeeming, so rewarding.  It has made all the difference in my life.  Jesus suffered to bring that Word to my life and instill it in my heart.  I feel commissioned by God to do the same now for others.  Service industries are not the easiest.  Serving with Jesus, however, is totally and eternally worthwhile.  I pray I will rejoice more like Paul did when I suffer while serving others.

Pastor Michael Brackett

Close to Me

I firmly believe God is wanting to surprise us this year in good and wonderful ways, but maybe not in the exact ways we are thinking. 


Matthew 13:54-57 says about Jesus, “Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. ‘Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?’ they asked.  ‘Isn’t this the carpenter’s son?  Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?  Aren’t all his sisters with us?  Where then did this man get all these things?’  And they took offense at him.” 


The people of Nazareth had many ideas of what God was going to do through His Messiah, but they weren’t very accurate.  Their misconceptions seemed short-sighted.  They didn’t expect Jesus to be God.  They didn’t expect Him to be born among them.  They didn’t expect Him to live and work among them.  And they didn’t expect Him to be the One to save them from their sins.  They were offended at Him for not matching up with their misconceptions. 


I’m persuaded that God is and wants to be so much more in my life than I am presently acknowledging Him to be.  I want to know Him more, know Him better, and see Him with a better understanding of how He is already working in, around and through my life.  How about you? 


John 17:3 says, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”   


God goes above and beyond our best imagination.  He has been with us, is with us, and promises to always be with us, even to the end of this world and beyond.  What is keeping me from knowing Him better today?  How powerful do I want Him to be in a direct and deep relationship personally with me?   


I hope none of us are offended at the thought that God wants to personally surprise us this year, in greater ways than we have preconceived, with how close He really wants to be. 

- Pastor Michael Brackett

Glorious New Year

How optimistic do you feel about the New Year?  We are now one week into 2023.  T.S. Eliot once wrote, "For last year's words belong to last year's language.  And next year's words await another voice."  What's your inner voice saying so far?  What's your inner vibe?

I feel rather glorious about the New Year personally.  Oh, not necessarily just because I'm an optimistic kind of guy, but more because of a Bible verse I read this week about Jesus in John 12:27, 28.  Jesus was looking ahead to the future.  The cross imminently loomed.  Soon He would suffer humiliation, agony - even death.  Suffice it to say it was not a very glorious outlook.  Jesus, however, said, "Now My soul is troubled.  What shall I say?  ‘Father, save Me from this hour’?  Instead, for this reason I came to this hour.  Father, glorify Your name.”

Even in the face of horrific agony, Jesus was not as concerned about what was happening to Him as He was about giving glory to God the Father.  I find this so profound and beautiful.  Jesus' willingness to serve others above Himself is such a breath of fresh air that refreshes my soul.  His concern was to give glory to God in every situation, both good and bad.  As a follower of Jesus, I want this to be my voice, my vibe in 2023 - giving glory to God no matter what happens to me.

Who knows what the future holds for us this year?  I just know I'm committed to believing it will be glorious, nevertheless.  Glorious not because there won't be trials.  Glorius becuase I desire to give God glory through every situation that comes my way.

How glorious do you want 2023 to be?  If we are dedicated to glorifying God, I have a feeling it will be our best year yet.

Pastor Michael Brackett