This last Sabbath, Pastor Jim challenged us to deeply consider how we will live in the new year, 2022.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV
I was hangry and tired. I was out all day and I didn’t stop to eat until late. So when I finally found food, I was completely frustrated when I was unable to sit anywhere comfortably in the cafe and eat my dinner. I know…first world problems.
As I walked back to my lodging, food getting cold, kicking the sidewalk and grumbling along the way...I just thought, "What in the heck is wrong with this world?!"
Walking through the streets I was becoming more and more frustrated. It was crowded and loud. I was hungry. My dinner was getting cold. But I knew that my attitude was the problem.
I paused. I took a breath. And I said a quick prayer…
I spied a spot to eat my meal. As I sat and turned to admire the spectacular view, I saw an older man next to me. Pulling out my food, I commented about the beauty in front of us. That man and I had a wonderful conversation. I learned so much about his life. The scruff and the deep lines on his face confirmed the struggles he shared with me. He didn't have a car, only the old bike by his side. He didn't have a family. And at his age, retirement wasn't on his radar; he still had to work just to get by.
But his attitude was on point. "Ric, this is my favorite spot. I ride my bike here a few times a week just to enjoy it."
After an hour of conversation he left.
I got my phone out and started taking some pictures. The sunset made the spectacular view even more stunning. I know how fortunate I am. I know how blessed I am. And I know that without Jesus' teachings in my life, without that moment of prayer and
connection with Him that stopped my slide into a negative attitude, my evening could've been much different. God soothed my soul.
Again, I think about the verse… And it means the world to me––a world that Jesus has overcome.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Each year I choose one word that will define the year to come. This year I chose a word that I want to live my life by. MORE. More faith, more service, more Spirit, more growth, more positivity, more people at Jesus' feet, more church vision, more joy, more family, more development, more Mission, more of Jesus.
—Ric Peinado