The Language of Royalty

What will heaven be like? That certainly depends on your definition of "heaven." What do you imagine the New Jerusalem to be like? Once again, we don't know for sure. However, we do know this, that “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Cor. 2:9.)

Everything we have ever seen, everything we have ever heard, and everything we could ever imagine, cannot compare to what's coming. We do get some glimpses in Scripture, though. 

If you've ever studied the dimensions of the New Jerusalem, you’ll notice that it’s a perfect square (Rev 21:16). The only other perfect square that exists in Scripture is the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary. The New Jerusalem has 12 foundations made of various jewels (Rev. 12:12-13, 21) and these are the same jewels found on the High Priest’s breastplate. 

Why is this significant? In the Old Testament, the Most Holy Place was so sacred and so holy that only one person in the nation of Israel, the High Priest, had access to it. When you see the same symbols used in the New Jerusalem you will notice that humanity has a special access to God.  He has made us “Kings and Priests” (Rev 1:6) - the King was the highest ruler in the political realm and the priest in the religious realm. God is giving the redeemed a very special access to Himself, once reserved for the High Priest alone. As you read though Revelation, you'll notice that the language used includes crowns, thrones…the language of royalty.

Reader, you are valued. You are part of heavenly royalty! God loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, for you! In the Book "The Desire of Ages" Ellen White shares that, "Jesus did not count heaven a place to be desired while we were lost." Read it again and let it sink in. As you do, I invite you to walk in this truth today.

Pastor Rosemary Andrykanus