Higher Than Harvard

2 Peter 3:17-18 says, “Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him be glory both now and forever!  Amen.”


Peter encourages us to not slowly be carried away, but instead to steadily grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.  I’m so grateful we value learning and growth within the Meadow Glade SDA Church!  We so value our schools and the excellent learning that takes place on these two campuses every day throughout the school year.  I hope all of us who are now out of school always value learning every day also through eternity!


This past Sabbath we talked about how lovely it is to learn from Jesus.  The context of Christianity is the greatest framework for learning found in this world and beyond!  Jesus is next-level learning and there is no better focal point for our forward progress than Him, period.  For an example, on Sabbath we looked at the Harvard Business Review and found four key attributes for successful learning:  1.  Aspiration, 2.  Self-awareness, 3.  Curiosity, and 4.  Vulnerability.  Harvard was absolutely right.  It's not difficult to believe these attributes can bolster anyone’s context for learning.  But inject Jesus into the matrix, and it gets even better.


Does Jesus provide greater aspiration?  He promises and proves to be the Way, the Truth and the Life and that He has come that we may have life more abundant!  Does Jesus provide greater Self-awareness?  He tells us without Him we can do nothing but with Him all things are possible!  We don’t have to rely on ourselves but absolutely can rely on Him!  Does Jesus provide us with greater curiosity?  He promises to never leave us and to work all things together for our good.  Even the negative events in our life He promises and proves to use to help us grow!  These facts can keep us optimistic and curious to what’s ahead!  And does Jesus help us with vulnerability?  Jesus helps us embrace vulnerability and endorses greater humility.  He made Himself of no reputation to elevate us to the highest possible place with Him in the Heavenly kingdom coming!  We are called to humble ourselves now all for the sake of elevating others.


Peter was right.  To Him, Jesus, belongs glory both now and forever!  Amen.

 -Pastor Michael