It's amazing the emotional toll elections take on society as a whole, isn't it? People are quite passionate about their political persuasion. If one's political party wins, often there is elation! If one's political party loses, often there is devastation. Along with this comes polarization. Our personal preference of political party and the candidate representing them becomes almost faultless to us. The other party and their candidate? Almost utterly demonized by us. As interesting as all these dynamics can be, the hardest one to fathom is how divisive this all can become even with the people we love.
Jesus said in John 8:36, "So if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed." If we have room in our heart for Jesus and His Word, He will show us the way in all roads of life, even our pothole filled, political paths. Here are some verses from God's Word worth contemplating during this political time:
· Should we feel better than others because of our political choices? Philippians 2:3-5
· Should we feel our opinions are infallible? Proverbs 14:12-16
· Should we feel the other party is our adversary/enemy? Luke 6:27-36
· Should we hold people accountable for what we consider to be wrong thinking? 1 Peter 4:8-11
God is calling us to share His love to all people at all times. Elections are exhausting for many. What if we begin seeing them more as an opportunity? Let's seize the moment for sharing the tenants of God's eternal kingdom. May God and the eternal joys of Heaven be our greatest passion now and forevermore. .
Politics are a thing. Jesus is everything.
- Pastor Michael Brackett