How full are you feeling from Christmas? Whether we’re working still to digest that
scrumptious holiday feast or our souls are still overflowing from the love we felt from God and family, Christmas is all about a variety of fullness. There are lots of presents, lots of conversations, lots of activities, lots of meals, lots of blessings to be shared. We owe all of this fullness to our awesome God for sending us the gift of Jesus.
Colossians 2:9-10 says, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.” Jesus brought the fullness of God into this world for the purpose of us to experience this fullness. Christmas is for the purpose of filling our hearts with the fullness of the blessings which God intended for the world through Jesus Christ.
There are those, however, who haven’t had the chance to experience that fullness this Christmas. The loss of a loved one, financial hardships, broken relationships, dividing distances of all kinds creep into the equation each year and often impede folks’ soul-tank from achieving full capacity.
Jesus entered the world for the purpose of experiencing life with us. He saw and experienced each hardship and trial. He saw, He suffered, He sacrificed, and through it all He still saved. He promises He is with us always. He sends us out on His mission to fill the earth with His message of fullness despite and to fight the emptiness still out there.
Fullness does not have to be just a feeling that fades. Fullness is a Friend named Jesus. He is here to stay. He is here to eliminate emptiness. He is here for the purpose of fullness forevermore.
- Pastor Michael