
“Surrender (v.) - choosing to let go of what you think you want, in order to receive what God knows you need.” - my smart friend, Pr Kevin Wilson. 

Surrender is an interesting concept for type A personalities like myself. I see a need; I see a remedy. I want to fix it…yesterday. 

A few months ago, I was dealing with some heavy things that were keeping me up at night, so I reached out to one of my inner circle wisdom-dropping friends back home. As I shared the angst I had on my heart, the doubts I was wrestling with and my fears that were holding me hostage, she interjected with the question, “Rose, what does “surrender” look like? 

She then shared that for her, surrender means that, “every day I give Jesus my plans, my dreams, my hopes and my resources. I trust Him. If I am trying to control something, it’s because I do not trust.” 

Ummmm wow. Her answer hit me like a tonne of bricks. 

The issue isn’t our ability to surrender, it’s our willingness to trust.

What are you holding onto that you are scared of letting go of because that may mean you enter the uncharted territory of the unknown? What incredible opportunities await us on the other side of surrender? 

Jesus has gone before you; in fact, He’s already there. If He has done the bidding, He’s also done the enabling. He’s got you.

In order to surrender, you need to learn to trust. In order to trust, you need to pause and reflect on the times where you have seen Jesus in your past. You need to press pause to notice how He’s active in your present. Through this process, you are reminded that the same Jesus who has had your past and is beside you in your present, will pave a precious path for your future. You can cease control knowing He’s constructively working behind the scenes, and will continue to do so, whether or not you get the things you (think you) want. Remember, dear child, He is for you. He will fight for you, you need only to be still…and know that He is God.

- Pastor Rose Andrykanus