Bearing Witness to the Truth

What is truth?  A fair question in a world where we are fed so much information continuously.  It seems that daily someone is proclaiming their “truth.”  But the way I understand truth, everything can’t be held up as true.   If we all went outside and it was gray, rainy, and cold we wouldn’t accept someone telling us it was sunny, warm, and the sky was blue.  Isn’t it interesting then, that many see truth as relative and subjective, when by definition, truth is the quality or state of being true, and that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. Truth is true, regardless of what you or I think about it. 

Brought before Pilate and asked if He was a king, Jesus responded, “You say rightly that I am a kingFor this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into this world, that I should bear witness to the truth.  Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”  In response Pilate asked the question, “what is truth?” (John 18:37-38). Maybe he really wanted to know, or maybe he didn’t believe truth could be understood, or perhaps he, like all of us at times, don’t want to know or believe what is true because it doesn’t fit our plan for life. 

I’m grateful for the consistent reliability of God’s word.  How about you?  Sure, it requires faith to accept, but the evidence is strongly in favor of it being true.  It is reliable, with places, people, and events supported by history and archaelogy.  Creation, a Creator, and a global flood, long believed by science to be myths, have more adherents today because the evidence fits better than other theories.  And Jesus?  Not only do we have recorded eyewitness accounts of what followers saw and experienced, but these were people who often laid down their lives for the “truth.”

Perhaps, greater than all of this is the personal evidence of a life changed by the power of the gospel,…mine….and yours, because of the truth that “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”  And if we believe it, and share it, it is the truth will set people free.  Free to love, free to live, free to have hope, and peace, and assurance in spite of all going on around us.  The Bible: still the truth, and still the best news ever.  

-Pastor Jim Bollin