Higher Education

Here at the close of the school year I can't help but praise God for another year of learning on this campus! Learning is such a beautiful part of the Christian experience. Our God is ever wanting to teach us so we can grow in His ways every day and forevermore.

Isaiah 27:5-6 says, "'Or else let them come to me for refuge; let them make peace with me, yes, let them make peace with me.'  In days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit."

A life joined to God begins a process much like the beautiful unfolding of a blossoming flower. The giving of one's heart to God brings the fresh aroma of real peace.  And peace is not the only gift God gives!  Real growth and ongoing transformation become a constant, daily experience!  Where a person starts is dramatically different than where a person is today, when a person has a relationship with the Almighty.

Father in Heaven, you gave Jacob a new name (Israel) and completely rewrote his history. Thank you for doing the same for us!  Please continue to unfold Your flowering gifts to us so the world will feast on the sweet fruits of lives that remain humbled before Your awesome, transformative power. Thank You for providing us with a beautiful, unfolding, and ever-higher education.

-Pastor Michael Brackett