Owners or Stewards?

One teaching in scripture is that God owns all things. Here are a few examples: In Job 41:11, God says: “Whatever is under the whole heaven is mine.” In Exodus 19:15, God said to Moses, “All the earth is mine.” And Psalm 24:1 proclaims, “The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof.” These are just a few scriptures proclaiming that God is the owner of all things.

Well, what does that make us? Scripture teaches that while God owns all things, he also gives all things. He gave life to Adam and Eve, he gave them a garden, he gave them the command to have dominion and rule. God gave Adam and Eve, and all of humanity, stewardship over his resources. This means that ultimately, we are stewards of all that God has given us.

Many may find this idea troubling, after all, being an owner is a good feeling. We are proud of the things we own: land, homes, cars, clothes, etc. But, when we start to change our mindset from ownership to stewardship, we start to see our resources, not as things to progress our kingdom, but as things to progress God’s kingdom.

So, to end, here are a few questions to ponder this week:

1. Have you primarily viewed yourself as an owner or a steward?

2. How can you use your resources to advance God’s kingdom?

3. What can you do this week to live as a steward of all that God has given you?


Blessings to you this week, as you live life as God’s steward.

-Pastor Evan