A People Who Visit

Last words matter. If you knew you were having one final conversation with someone, what would you say? In Genesis 50:24, we hear some of Joseph’s last words to his family: “But God will visit you…” These words carry a profound message of hope. Joseph essentially says, “Yes, we have experienced pain, betrayal, famine, and heartache, but God is coming. He will visit us to heal, to restore, and to redeem.”


This theme of divine visitation echoes throughout Scripture. Again and again, we see that when people are hurting and broken, God shows up. He visited Sarah and Abraham in their longing, Hannah in her grief, the enslaved Israelites in their oppression, and Naomi and Ruth in their sorrow. Ultimately, God’s greatest visitation came through the incarnation of Jesus, when God stepped into humanity to bring healing and salvation.


Reflecting on this, I’ve found myself pondering three key questions, and I invite you to do the same:


1. Do I need a visitation from God?

2. What areas of my life are in need of healing?

3. Is there someone in my life who is hurting? Someone I can visit, encourage, and support?


As people who follow a God who visits, let us also become a people who visit. Carrying His love and presence into the lives of those around us.

 - Pastor Evan