Glorious Gift

We used to love to watch Extreme Makeover:  Home Edition.  I bring this up hesitantly, because it’s never quite flattering to talk about watching TV, but this show, in my humble estimation, is worth talking about.  Ty Penningon’s show won two Primetime Emmy Awards as it showcased families in need who were gifted a home makeover, often times completely renovating their dilapidated homes.  There were many happy tears shed by the humbled families.  Often times they were sent to Disney World while the renovations were taking place.  Everything about the show seemed to touch the heartstrings of Americans, creating good vibes on a weekly basis for all to enjoy.  Giving glorious gifts like a new home resonates with almost everyone.


God’s gift of Jesus Christ into the world resonates worldwide still today.  Christmas is celebrated by committed Christians and even non-Christians.  Giving glorious gifts to others still touches heartstrings today in every corner of the world.  Yet Christmas wouldn’t be the same, wouldn’t be as popular, wouldn’t have gained such fame had it not been for Jesus.  He is the reason for the season and for a very good reason at that.


Jesus alone gives the gift of eternal life.  John 3:16 explains that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.   God loves to give glorious gifts to the men and women of earth, and sending Jesus was the most glorious gift He could have ever given.  Better than completely renovating our homes, Jesus can completely renovate our hearts.  On top of this He is building us an eternal home! 


As Christians today, can we touch the heartstrings of America and the world by showing more of this side of God today – the God who loves to give gifts to others?  This New Year I’m praying God will help me do this every single day.  Who will join me?  Let’s create more good vibes by giving glorious gifts.  Jesus, please shine through us even more this year!  We want to show the world You are the most glorious gift anyone could ever receive.

Pastor Michael Brackett

Contemplating the Incarnation

Pictured above is one of the earliest known depictions of the incarnation, dating back to the third century. It’s found in the Catacomb of Priscilla in Rome. I wonder, who painted this? Was it an older gentleman? A young woman? Perhaps a teenager who recently became a follower of Jesus? Whoever it was, they were contemplating the incarnation and expressed it through art. For centuries, people have pondered this significant event, the incarnation, and have expressed it in different ways: through songs, poems, stories, dramas, art, and much more. By pondering the incarnation, something ignites within us. Something burst forth. Like a seed in early spring, blooming into new life, when we reflect on the incarnation, a light is kindled, and hope warms within our hearts. When thinking about this magnificent event, our souls proclaim that light is greater than darkness. And so, my friends, may we ponder these great words and let life burst forth in our hearts: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…”

Pastor Evan Davies

Holding Onto His Promise

Luke 1:8 -18

8 Once when he was serving as priest before God and his section was on duty, 9 he was chosen by lot, according to the custom of the priesthood, to enter the sanctuary of the Lord and offer incense. 10 Now at the time of the incense-offering, the whole assembly of the people was praying outside. 11 Then there appeared to him an angel of the Lord, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. 12 When Zechariah saw him, he was terrified; and fear overwhelmed him. 13 But the angel said to him, ‘Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John. 14 You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, 15 for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He must never drink wine or strong drink; even before his birth he will be filled with the Holy Spirit. 16 He will turn many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. 17 With the spirit and power of Elijah he will go before him, to turn the hearts of parents to their children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.’ 18 Zechariah said to the angel, ‘How will I know that this is so? For I am an old man, and my wife [barren] is getting on in years.’ 

Have you ever experienced the pain of working really hard on a project, putting in hours of work, making sure everything was done just right to have it fail?

Reading today’s passage I can’t help but wonder how Elizabeth felt about being barren. Luke writes that both Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah were righteous. They were living blameless, following the commandments of God. In other words, they were making sure to live in a way that honoured God in everything they did and said. But something was missing in their lives, the blessing of a child. As the years passed, it seems that their righteous living did not diminish, they continued to follow the commandments of God. 

How do we stay faithful when our prayers seem to go unanswered year after year? How do we hold onto God, when He seems to be “holding out” on our heart’s desperate plea?

Then one ordinary day, just like any other, it falls to Zechariah to go and offer incense to God. This is where an unexpected visit from an angel brings a promise that would have been far beyond anything Zechariah expected. The righteous couple who are barren will conceive; they will have a son. And this son has an incredible path before him, including you may notice to bring the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous. Zechariah finishes by saying, in a nutshell – but we are old and barren…

This story encourages me to remember that even though it may look like my circumstances haven’t changed – there is always a promise to hold onto. And that promise may not change my immediate circumstances, but I can still choose to do the right thing, believe, trust and follow God.

Pastor Rose Andrykanus

Delivering the Daily Good News

When I was about 12 years old I had my very own, real newspaper route.  It was an exciting, rewarding job that taught many valuable life lessons, like which dogs to avoid. (It was always the little ones that nipped your heels.)  Now, I didn’t create the news, I just delivered it to all who subscribed to receive it.

During the week I delivered the “Oregon Journal,” an afternoon paper, and on Sunday morning at oh-dark-thirty, “The Oregonian.”  Back then the papers would be delivered to my home where I rubber-banded them, stuffed them into my paper bag, and after draping the bag over the handlebars of my blue, five speed Schwinn away I went to deliver the news. 

It took a while, but eventually I could sling the papers with precision to land on the porches of my customers.  However, some were specific and asked me to place the newspaper on the porch or in the paper holder.  It seems they didn’t want to retrieve a wet paper, or have their screen door damaged.  Go figure.  On occasion I would get a new customer added to my route and sometimes others would cancel their subscription.  I guess not everyone wants to read the news. 

As Christ’s followers we have the privilege of delivering the good news of God’s love for all.  Sure, there is preparation, but a beautiful result of walking with Jesus is that it gets easier to share the good news with joy.  And it helps when we remember Jesus, not us, is the good news.  Doing so helps us to respectfully deliver the gospel by our words, and more importantly, by our lives.  As we get more comfortable delivering the news some will want to know more about Jesus and receive His saving news.  When that happens, love them and praise God!  But don’t be discouraged when others bark at you with their words, and nip at you by refusing the gospel.  That’s okay, love them anyway.  Keep living and delivering the good news! Because it is about Jesus and His love for you.  It is His news that brings joy. 

Pastor Jim Bollin

The Language of Royalty

What will heaven be like? That certainly depends on your definition of "heaven." What do you imagine the New Jerusalem to be like? Once again, we don't know for sure. However, we do know this, that “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Cor. 2:9.)

Everything we have ever seen, everything we have ever heard, and everything we could ever imagine, cannot compare to what's coming. We do get some glimpses in Scripture, though. 

If you've ever studied the dimensions of the New Jerusalem, you’ll notice that it’s a perfect square (Rev 21:16). The only other perfect square that exists in Scripture is the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary. The New Jerusalem has 12 foundations made of various jewels (Rev. 12:12-13, 21) and these are the same jewels found on the High Priest’s breastplate. 

Why is this significant? In the Old Testament, the Most Holy Place was so sacred and so holy that only one person in the nation of Israel, the High Priest, had access to it. When you see the same symbols used in the New Jerusalem you will notice that humanity has a special access to God.  He has made us “Kings and Priests” (Rev 1:6) - the King was the highest ruler in the political realm and the priest in the religious realm. God is giving the redeemed a very special access to Himself, once reserved for the High Priest alone. As you read though Revelation, you'll notice that the language used includes crowns, thrones…the language of royalty.

Reader, you are valued. You are part of heavenly royalty! God loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, for you! In the Book "The Desire of Ages" Ellen White shares that, "Jesus did not count heaven a place to be desired while we were lost." Read it again and let it sink in. As you do, I invite you to walk in this truth today.

Pastor Rosemary Andrykanus

Giving Thanks to God the Great Giver of Joy

I really enjoyed our recent testimony Sabbath together in anticipation of this Thanksgiving holiday.  Hearing our church family and visiting friends of all ages sharing what they are thankful for spoke to my soul.  Something sparks inside of me and fuels my fire spiritually as a result.  Later that afternoon we had Pastor Dale Ziegele’s memorial service.  We heard wonderful testimonies of Pastor Dale's life.  Person after person praising God for his positive influence in their lives.  I came away feeling unbelievably blessed.  My heart was and still is so full.

Nehemiah 8:10 says, “Do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  Expressing joy in the Lord is a great energizer.  Maybe it’s an energy source that the world far too often leaves untapped.

Pastor Dale demonstrated joy in the Lord undeniably well.  For the past year he continued to stay thankful even in the midst of his incredible health challenges.  Instead of focusing on what frustrated him, he continued to foster an attitude of gratitude for all the many blessings God had given him throughout his life and he even consistently found blessings from God in the midst of his declining health.  Pastor Dale embodied Nehemiah 8:10 to his core.  God made a positive impact in his life and as a result Pastor Dale had a positive impact on others.

I’ve heard it said:

“-JOY has 3 letters and so does SAD;

-LOVE has 4 letters and so does HATE;

-JESUS has 5 letters and so does SATAN."

There are two opposite paths we can choose in life.  Choosing God leads us down an increasingly positive path.  I want more and more positivity in this life.  How about you?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Let's give thanks to God the great Giver of joy!

-Pastor Michael Brackett

Harvest Lessons from Little Ones

Our children teach us many valuable life lessons if we pay attention.  For example, when Joshua was about 4 we had a strawberry patch in our garden.  He watched as the berries grew, but had a hard time waiting until they were ripe.  Occasionally he would pick the green ones and then ask, “is this one ripe?”  Every time his question would garner the same response, “no, the berries have to be red, so don’t pick them until they are, otherwise the fruit will taste bad.”  As Christians, it may be tempting to think that handing out a flyer, giving an invitation to church, even answering Bible questions is all we need to do to bring about a harvest of souls, not understanding that people, like plants, take time, and investment of ourselves, in order to ripen. 

Lesson: Be careful, then, not to move people faster than the Holy Spirit is ripening their hearts for Jesus.

Another time when Hope was very young, I was going on a church building mission trip and gave her the task of planting the garden.  Everything was ready, and I showed her where to plant each vegetable.  I returned home to a planted garden and was grateful for her hard work.  When the vegetables began to grow I noticed there were no squash plants coming up where she was to plant.  Patiently I waited and still, no plants. Upon inquiry I discovered from her childlike wisdom that since she didn’t like squash, she didn’t plant any.  As Christ’s followers we may think that what we have to offer others is insignificant and be tempted to do nothing.  Everyone of us can do something, and that something will be uniquely us and valuable in the preparing of God’s harvest.

Lesson: You won’t harvest what isn’t there.  Even one squash seed can produce a basket of squash.  Don’t sell God or yourself short.  Your friendship, however small, prayerfully invested in the life of another, may produce an abundance of fruit that wouldn’t happen without you. 

Pastor Jim Bollin